Apple Music で洋楽アーティスト名が日本語になったのを英語に戻す方法

macOS CatalinaでApple Musicを使っていて、最近洋楽のアーティスト名が勝手に日本語化されてきたので、元の英語に戻す方法をいろいろ検索して、解決策を発見したのでその手順を書いておきます。

  • Account > Sign Outでいったんサインアウト状態にする。
  • Preferences > Advancedで、Reset WarningsとReset Cacheをクリック
  • System Preferences > Language and Region > Appsで、Musicの言語をEnglish UKにセット
  • Musicを再度オープン
  • Sign Inする

これで英語表示されるはずです。デフォルトの言語はEnglish UKのままでもいいですが、気になる人はSystem Default(English)に変更しておきましょう。

“Next” of Music app didn’t work on macOS 10.15 Catalina

I was suffering a problem of Music app on macOS 10.15.3 Catalina. When I click the “Next” button, the app skips to about 10 songs ahead. I searched the issue in Google, Apple Support, Apple Community, but I could not find the solution.

I gave up to solve it and did the maintenance things which I do regularly, such as increasing a free space of Macintosh HD.

Through that work, I found “Reset Music Store cache” button and press it.

On the next day, I checked the “For You” songs as usual, the problem has been fixed!

I’m not sure clearing cache was the solution, but you should try it.

How I reclaimed the free spaces of macOS Mojave

Recently, I upgraded main SSD drive from 500GB to 1TB. Soon, something is consuming the free space of the SSD.

I googled and tried everything I can, but none of them changed the situation.

But, finally I got the reason for this.

Read this article:

I do backup everyday using CCC(Carbon Copy Cloner). It has a feature similar Time Machine. So, everytime I make backup, it create a snapshot by default.

But I didn’t know CCC has such a feature.

I deleted some of the old snapshots, the free space increased as it was.

You can set the minimum free space ( 30GB is the default ). So, set it like 100GB, you will be happy!



それはCarbon Copy Cloner(CCC)のSnapshot機能だったのだ。CCCはデフォルトでSnapshotを保存する機能がオンになっているらしく、知らない間にそれが空き容量を食いつぶしていた。


